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From Bo Lozoff: Blessings & Apologies

Updated: Apr 21, 2023

Hello PDN Friends,

I have been plagued with guilt the past few months since I joined this website, because so many of you have written kind remarks and comments to me, added me as your friend on your page, talked about what my work or books have meant to you, etc., and I have not replied to any of you nor posted anything at all until now.

Please know that I love and value your friendship and your work, but I am not able to add one more computer-oriented component to my life. I joined PDN when Fleet’s son was in serious condition from being beaten, and in order to stay up to date on his condition by reading Fleet’s postings, it said I had to create my own membership in the group. I am impressed and moved by all of you and by what I have seen on this site, and I am blown away by the hard work of my old friend Kate Crisp in keeping this sort of high-tech community going and growing — Kate I love you as always!

But for myself, I spend as much time in front of a screen answering prisoner letters and writing my own newsletters, etc., as seems healthy. I saw a statistic recently that most Americans now spend FIFTY HOURS PER WEEK in front of one screen or another, and I just don’t feel that’s a good direction for us to move in.

So I apologize for seeming to ignore your personal messages and expressions of friendship. They have not gone into a vacuum. I am happy to know you and hope to see many of you if/when I go back out on the road. You are all invited to be on our mailing list for our newsletters, etc., and if my books can be helpful in your prison work they are free for the asking, as they have been for 35 years now. ( has all our contact info).

I wish I could be more a part of your online community but that’s not what seems possible for now.

With great love and respect and friendship, Bo Lozoff

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